Kenya Redeemed Church, International Leaders’ Conference -- Mwea – Kenya – 4/9/07 – ekb
“Apostle” means one who is sent out to the work. Ac 13:2-14, 14:4,14. Barnabas and Saul were sent out by the Holy Spirit and the church leaders, to do the work to which the Holy Spirit had already called them.
Jesus commended the church at Ephesus, because they had tested some who claimed to be apostles and found that there were false. Rev 2:2, 21:8.
The FUNCTION of being an apostle is to be before any title is given or used. God sends out people as apostles, and as they do the work of apostles the church gives them recognition. The same goes for elders, prophets, evangelists etc. Function is before title.
The signs of an apostle are given in 2Cor 12:12 – endurance, signs, wonders, and mighty deeds. Lk 4:18,19, 1Jn 2:27, 2Cor 1:21. Preach the Gospel, heal the sick, cast out demons, plant and build churches and leaders.
While pastoring a church in revival, 1971-1975, God called us to prepare ourselves to move into travelling ministry throughout Northland, New Zealand. This call came through our reading the Word of God and through many prophets. Many groups of church leaders laid hands on us and ordained us to this ministry.
1975 – 1977, we travelled part time in Northland, 1978 onwards to today we have been full-time travelling.
In 1974 the Lord called me audibly, three times and gave me Is 43:1-3, [and later 4-8], and Heb 4:1-10.
In times of prayer, the Holy Spirit gave the vision of the map of Northland, dotted with small tongues of fire scattered all over. These increased in number and size until the whole of Northland was ablaze of fire. This vision has been seen many times from the mid 70’s, during times of prayer, by many people.
This call has involved: church planting, establishing leaders and congregations, preaching and teaching the Word, visiting, counselling and praying, networking the Body of Christ, preparing and distributing resource materials for leaders and believers.
In many places we visit the pastor and his wife and family, two or three times in a year, for a week each time. This involves daily prayer, sharing problems, visiting families, working in small groups, preaching and teaching the Word, and relating to other leaders and churches in the town or district.
After preaching or teaching the Word, we have prepared material as resource notes, for pastors and believers. See web site All the material on the Web Site is also available on A4 paper, no charge.
Send name and address to PO Box 18 137, Glen Innes, Auckland, New Zealand. 1743
We have not and do not ask for financial support. It is important to look to God as our Source of supply. We hope that churches will support us as mentioned in 1Cor 9. Usually they do. Sometimes they don’t but our eyes are to the Lord. Phil 4:19, Ruth 2:12, 2Cor 8:11-15. At the time of going full time travelling, (Jan 1978), we had four children and all the usual expenses of home and family. Although we received about 1/10 of our previous work salary as a teacher, the Lord made this go as far as the full salary. 2Cor 8:15. It was not easy. We had to believe and confess God’s Word.
As we move from church to church we are able to network the Body of Christ and build relationships between leaders and congregations.
For the last 21 years we have led Leaders’ Gatherings in Northland every three months. Numbers vary from 20-30. The Agenda is: Gathering and welcome 9am, Worship, Revelation and gifts of the Holy Spirit, Intercession for major issues in Northland, Several leaders share on how God is moving in their work, Pray in groups of three for 40minutes, (prayer for pastors, families, churches, towns).
Ministry of the Word and prayer, Meal together, Next meeting notice, 1.30pm, conclude.
God is using apostles, prophets and leaders in the Body of Christ to build the church by networking. Tit 1:5, Ac 15:36, Ac 14:21,22, Ac 18: 24-28, Rom 16:3,4.
Networking is building relationships between leaders, of serving one another in love, within towns, cities or districts. Gal 5:13, Jn 13:12-17. This is so that the Body of Christ might be built up to full maturity, Eph 4:13-16, and reach out to the lost with the Gospel, and to the poor and needy with compassion and the Gospel. Mat 25:35,36. Strong relationships are formed between leaders as they serve one another in love. Gal 5:13, 2Cor 4:5, Lk 22:27, Mat 20:28, 1Cor 9:19, Jn 13:12-17.
Biblical humility is taking the place of a servant to others out of a secure identity of who we are in Christ, by the leading of the Holy Spirit, and faith in God’s Word. Biblical humility and Biblical authority cannot be separated. Phil 2:5-8, Jn 13:1-17, Mat 18:3,4, Mat 20:20-28.
On the Cross, Jesus was acting in Biblical humility and servant hood with full authority in God. Jesus was not a victim on the Cross. Jesus ruled from the Cross. Jesus was in the full authority of God on the Cross. Mat 27:54. Jesus was in the centre of God’s will on the Cross. He was in control. The centurion knew it. Jesus spoke seven times from the Cross.
Secure identity of who we are in God is necessary as we humble ourselves to serve others. Jn 1:19-27, 28-34, Phil 2:6, Jn 13:1,3,13,14,15, Jn 6:35, Jn 4:26, Jn 5:19-30, Jn 8:12, Jn 10:7,11, Jn 11:25,26, Jn 14:6, Jn 15:1.
Secure identity is obtained by revelation of the Holy Spirit as we meditate in God’s word. God reveals to us His call, ministry, gifts and anointing. Many prophets will confirm the call of God. We become secure in our identity as we walk in it. Jn15:16.
There is a general identity for all believers of who we are in Christ. No 25,
There is a personal, specific identity for each individual believer in their ministry and work of service for God. This includes marriage, parenthood, work to earn a living, calling, ministry, gifts and anointings. No 60, Also refer to the Subject Index on Identity in and open the relevant files.
Our identity in God includes our personal significance, [I am important to God in His work, Jer1:10, Jn 15:16] personal self worth, [I am precious to God, Is 43:4] and personal security, [I am kept safe by God, Ps 91:9,10, Ps 121:7, Pro 12:21,28], No 91, 127, 261,
Each believer needs to find their specific calling and ministry in God and fulfil it. Col 4:17, 2Tim 4:5, 1Pet 4:10, Rom 12:6-8, Eph 4:11, 1Cor 12:28.
Some further references to Biblical humility: Mat 18:3,4, 1Pet 5:5,6, Is 66:1,2, Mat 5:3, Gal 5:13, 2Cor 4:5, Jam 4:6, Lk 18:9-14, Eph 4:2, Eph 5:18-21, 2Chr 7:14.
Roots of rejection breed insecurity, fears and anger. These roots must be removed before identity can be obtained. Insecurity causes us to seek man’s approval, recognition, praise and affirmation. Jn 5:44. This causes us to do things to please people. Insecurity may also cause us to try and dominate, intimidate, manipulate and control others, so that we feel secure and not threatened. Jesus did not try to control the rich, young ruler in Lk 18:18-25, Mk 10-21,
Mat 19:22. Many unwise decisions and choices are made where there is insecurity.
Secure identity in God is essential to withstand the attacks of man and devil against us as in Jn 5:15-20. Jesus follows this attack on His identity with six ways He is equal with God, and five witnesses to His identity. Jn 5:19-30, Jn 5:31-39. Other references where Jesus gives His identity. Jn 8:37-59, Jn 10:22-29, Mk 2:23-28, Mk 3:1-6.
Jesus is our example, of how important a secure identity in God is, to be able to overcome the attacks of man and devil against our work of service for God,
Jesus always refuted the attacks of evil against His identity in God. He did not remain silent. Is 54:17, Mk 2:24-28, Lk 13:14-17, Jn 5:16-47.
Secure identity in God is necessary as we humble ourselves, by the leading of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, to minister to the most needy conditions of man. Jn 4:9, Jn 13:1-17.
When we are secure in God we lose nothing as we humble ourselves to serve others, by the leading of the Holy Spirit and faith in God’s Word.
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