Friday, December 19, 2008

God's General - John G. Lake

John G. Lake

No words of mine can convey to another soul the cry that was in my heart and the flame of hatred for death and sickness that the Spirit of God had stirred within me. The very wrath of God seemed to possess my soul!

These words summarized the passion that propelled the life-long ministry of John G. Lake. He spoke these words in reference to the intensity of emotion he felt as his thirty-four year old sister lay dying. He had already witnessed eight of his fifteen siblings die from illness--yet he had also witnessed the miraculous healing of his own childhood rheumatoid arthritis, as well as a sister’s cancer and brother’s blood disease under the ministry of John Alexander Dowie. It was already too late to take this sister who now lay dying to Dowie’s Healing Home in Chicago, so he telegraphed Dowie with a desperate plea for prayer. Dowie telegraphed back: “Hold on to God. I am praying. She will live.” That simple declaration caused John Lake to wage a furious spiritual attack on the power of death – and within the hour his sister was completely healed.

It was battles such as this—at death’s very door—that brought John G. Lake face to face with his convictions. Was he going to stand by as the enemy took yet another loved one from him, or was he going to choose to stand in the enemy’s way? Such an opportunity again presented itself on April 28, 1898, when his wife of five years lay dying. Jennie battled for breath in her final hours when Lake finally put his foot down. He would not tolerate the enemy stealing away the mother of his children and his spiritual partner. He determined to believe God’s Word as it was revealed to him for her healing and at 9:30 a.m. he contended for her life in prayer upon which she rose up healed, praising the Lord in a loud voice. News spread of Jennie’s miraculous healing, and from that time on, John Lake was sought after for the power of his healing anointing.

Such was the power of his anointing that he wrote about it as being like the lightning of Jesus: “You talk about the voltage from heaven and the power of God! Why there is lightning in the soul of Jesus! The lightnings of Jesus heal men by their flash! Sin dissolves and disease flees when the power of God approaches!” Lake would also compare the anointing of God’s Spirit to the power of electricity. Just as men had learned the laws of electricity, Lake had discovered the laws of the Spirit. And, as God’s “lightning rod,” he would rise within God’s calling to electrify the powers of darkness and solidify the body of Christ.

In 1901, at the age of thirty-one, Lake moved to Zion, Illinois, to study divine healing under John Alexander Dowie. But in 1904, when Dowie’s increasing financial problems began to surface, Lake decided to distance himself and relocated to Chicago. When his personal investments in Zion properties left him in near financial ruin following Dowie’s death in 1907, he bought himself a seat on the Chicago Board of Trade and over the next year was able to accumulate over $130,000 in the bank and real estate worth $90,000. This prompted the notice of top business executives who asked Lake to form a trust of the nation’s three largest insurance companies for a guaranteed salary of $50,000 a year. He was now a top business consultant to top business executives making money on the side through hearty commissions as well. By turn-of-the-century standards, John Lake was making a fortune.

For a while he was able to juggle his great secular success and grow in his desire for God. He had learned to walk in the Spirit as he described like this: “It became easy for me to detach myself from the course of life, so that while my hands and mind were engaged in the common affairs of every day, my spirit maintained its attitude of communion with God.” But by 1907, he yielded to the call to full-time ministry, and he and Jennie sold their estate and all their belongings. From that point on the Lake’s relied on God for provision as they traveled the country ministering. By January of 1908, they began praying for the necessary finances to take their team to Africa.

In April of that same year, the Lakes and their seven children left for Africa with only money to pay for passage on the ship. In faith, they believed God for the finances necessary to gain them admittance into the country and for provision once they arrived. He provided what they needed as they were lining up to pay upon leaving the ship, and once aground, a miraculous housing offer presented itself before they had even left the dock. They immediately settled into a furnished home in Johannesburg. Days later, John was asked to fill in for a South African pastor who was taking a leave of absence. Over five hundred Zulus were in attendance his first Sunday in the pulpit, and as a result, revival broke out so that within weeks multitudes in from the surrounding area were saved, healed, and baptized in the Holy Spirit. The success astounded Lake so that he wrote: “From the very start it was as though a spiritual cyclone had struck.” In less than a year, he had started one hundred churches.

Ministry success came at a price. Before the year was out, on December 22, 1908, Lake came home to find Jennie had died from physical exhaustion and malnutrition. He was devastated. Early in 1909, he returned to the States to recuperate, raise support, and recruit new workers. By January of 1910, he was headed back to Africa in the midst of a raging plague there. He was among few who ministered to the sick and dying. He proved to local physicians that the germs would not live on his body due to the Holy Spirit alive in Him. He actually verified this under a microscope showing that the germs died upon contact with his body. Those who witnessed the experiment stood in amazement as Lake gave glory to God explaining that: “It is the law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus. I believe that just as long as I keep my soul in contact with the living God so that His Spirit is flowing into my soul and body, that no germ will ever attach itself to me, for the Spirit of God will kill it.”

In 1912, after five years of ministry in Africa, having produced 1,250 preachers, 625 congregations, and 100,000 converts, Lake returned to the United States. In 1913 he married Florence Switzer with whom he had five children. They settled in Spokane, Washington, where they founded the Spokane Healing Home and the Apostolic Church, which drew thousands from around the world for ministry and healing. In May of 1920, the Lakes left Spokane for Portland, Oregon, where he started another Apostolic Church and healing ministry similar to the one in Spokane.

By 1924, Lake was known throughout America as a leading healing evangelist. He had established forty churches throughout the United States and Canada in which there had been so many healings that his congregations nicknamed him “Dr.” Lake. In December of that year, Gordon Lindsey, founder of Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas, was converted while hearing Lake preach in Portland. He attended his services nearly every night for a week and considered Lake to be a mentor. Lindsey later contracted deadly ptomaine poisoning, but was totally healed once he was able to get to Lake’s home.

In 1931, Lake returned to Spokane at the age of sixty-one. He was weak with fatigue and nearly blind. God ultimately restored his vision after Lake had a “talk” with the Lord about it. Sadly, on Labor Day of 1935, after returning from a church picnic, John G. Lake went home to be with the Lord. He was sixty-five years old.

I can see as my spirit discerns the future and reaches out to touch the heart of mankind and the desire of God, that there is coming from heaven a new manifestation of the Holy Spirit in power, and that new manifestation will be in sweetness, in love, in tenderness, and in the power of the Spirit, beyond anything your heart or mind ever saw. The very lightning of God will flash through men’s souls. The sons of God will meet the sons of darkness and prevail.

John G. Lake - "A Man of Healing"

If there was ever a man who walked in the revelation of "God in man," it was John G. Lake. A man of purpose, vision, strength and character, his one goal in life was to bring the fullness of God to every person. He often said that the secret of heaven's power was not in the doing, but in the being. He believed that Spirit-filled Christians should enjoy the same type of ministry Jesus did while living on earth, and that this reality could only be accomplished by seeing themselves as God saw them. John G. Lake lived his life and fulfilled his ministry in the earth with this type of spiritual understanding. If we would just grasp the reality of our position through Jesus Christ, as Lake did, every nation would ring with the praises of God.

* was responsible for raising over 1,000,000 converts, 625 churches and 1,250 preachers in five years of ministry.

* because of his resurrection revelation, had a deadly plague germ die in his hand, yet at the start of his ministry thought one could only be healed in Dr. Dowie's Healing Home.

* had such an incredible healing ministry, that according to statistics, the U.S. Government declared his city, Spokane, Washington, to be the healthiest city in America.

John G. Lake was known as God's "Apostle to Africa". Born in Canada in 1870, his family soon relocated to the United States, where he grew up. His healing and preaching ministry spanned the years 1898 (when he saw his wife instantly healed under the ministry of John Alexander Dowie) until his death in 1935. In 1908, God sent him to Africa, where his anointed miracle ministry resulted in what has been described as "the most extensive and powerful missionary movement in all Africa." As Gordon Lindsay wrote, "during that time he spent five history-making years in South Africa, engaged in a ministry which in some respects rivaled that of the Early Church." Upon his return to America, Lake established a ministry in Spokane, Washington which resulted in no less than 100,000 astounding miracles of healing within the space of five or six years. He then established a similar work in Portland, Oregon, which also attracted widespread attention.

Like Smith Wigglesworth, John G. Lake had already experienced mighty breakthroughs, powerful anointings and a real calling from God for many years before Azusa Street and the Pentecostal Revival. The following is a condensed account of the spiritual hunger and preparation that Lake was taken through by God, near the beginning of the most anointed period of his ministry. (Taken from the book, 'John G. Lake - Apostle to Africa', compiled by Gordon Lindsay, and told in Lake's own words):

"Eight years passed after God revealed Jesus the Healer to me. I had been practicing the ministry of healing. During that eight years every answer to prayer, every miraculous touch of God, every response of my own soul to the Spirit had created within me a more intense longing for an intimacy and a consciousness of God, like I felt the disciples of Jesus and the primitive church had possessed... Shortly after my entrance into the ministry of healing, while attending a service where the necessity for the Baptism of the Spirit was presented, as I knelt in prayer and reconsecration to God, an anointing of the Spirit came upon me. Waves of Holy Glory passed through my being, and I was lifted into a new realm of God's presence and power. After this, answers to prayer were frequent and miracles of healing occurred from time to time. I felt myself on the borderland of a great spiritual realm, but was unable to enter in fully, so my nature was not satisfied with the attainment..." (Pg 16).

"Hundreds, and hundreds of people were healed by the power of God during these ten years. But at the end of that ten years, I believe I was the hungriest man for God that ever lived. There was such a hunger for God that as I left my offices in Chicago, and walked down the street, my soul would break out, and I would cry, 'Oh God!' I have had people stop and look at me, and wonder. It was the yearning passion of my soul, asking for God in a greater measure than I knew. But my friends would say, 'Mr. Lake, you have a beautiful Baptism of the Holy Ghost.' Yes, it was nice as far as it went, but it was not answering the cry of my heart. I was growing up into a larger understanding of God, and my own soul's need. My soul was demanding a greater entrance into God, His love, Presence, and Power. And then one day an old man strolled into my office, sat down, and in the next half hour, he revealed more of the knowledge of God to my soul than I had ever known before. When he left I said, '... God, if that is what the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with tongues does, I am going to possess it.' Oh the wonder of God, that was then revealed to my heart!..."

John G. Lake Crusade Meeting held in a big tent.

"Finally I was led to set aside certain hours of the day that I dedicated to God, as times of meditation, and prayer. Thus a number of months passed, until one morning as I knelt praying, the Spirit of the Lord spoke within my spirit, and said, "Be patient until autumn." My heart rejoiced in this encouragement and I continued my practice of meditation and prayer as formerly. It became easy for me to detach myself from the course of life, so that while my hands and mind were engaged in the common affairs of every day, my spirit maintained its attitude of communion with God... I said, 'God, if you will baptize me in the Holy Spirit, and give me the power of God, nothing shall be permitted to stand before me and a hundred-fold obedience.'

"I prayed for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit for nine months, and if a man ever prayed honestly, and sincerely in the faith, I did. Finally one day I was ready to throw up my hands, and quit. I said, 'Lord, it may be for others, but it is not for me. You just cannot give it to me.' I did not blame God. One night a gentleman by the name of Pierce said, 'Mr. Lake, I have been wishing for a long time you would come over, and we would spend a night in prayer together. We have been praying for the Baptism for a whole year and there is not one of us baptized yet. Brother, I do not believe that you are either, so we can pray for one another." I was so hungry to pray, so I went with all intentions of praying for the rest, but I had not been praying five minutes until the light of God began to shine around me, I found myself in a center of an arc of light ten feet in diameter, the whitest light in all the universe. So white! Oh how it spoke of purity. The remembrance of that whiteness, that wonderful whiteness, has been the ideal that has stood before my soul, of the purity of the nature of God ever since.

"Then a Voice began to talk to me out of that light. There was no form. And the Voice began to remind me of this incident, and that incident of disobedience to my parents, from a child; of my obstinacy, and dozens of instances when God brought me up to the line of absolutely putting my body, soul, and spirit upon the altar forever. I had my body upon the altar for ten years, and I had been a minister of the Gospel. But when the Lord comes, He opens to the soul the depths that have never been touched in your life. Do you know that after I was baptized in the Holy Ghost, things opened up in the depths of my nature that had remained untouched in all my life, and that which was shadowy, distant, and hazy became real. God got up close and let His light shine into me.

"Shortly after this experience, one afternoon a brother minister called, and invited me to accompany him to visit a lady who was sick. Arriving at the home we found the lady in a wheel chair. All her joints were set with inflammatory rheumatism. She had been in the condition for ten years...While my friend was conversing with her, preparing her to be prayed with, that she might be healed, I sat in a deep chair on the opposite side of a large room. My soul was crying out to God in a yearning too deep for words, when suddenly it seemed to me, that I had passed under a shower of warm tropical rain, which was not falling upon me, but through me. My spirit, and soul and body under this influence soothed into such a deep still calm, as I had never known. My brain, which had always been so active, became perfectly still. An awe of the presence of God settled over me. I knew it was God.

"Some moments passed; I do not know how many. The Spirit said, 'I have heard your prayers, I have seen your tears. You are now Baptized in the Holy Spirit.' Then currents of power began to rush through my being from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet. The shocks of power increased in rapidity, and voltage. As these currents of power would pass through me, they seemed to come upon my head, rush through my body, and through my feet into the floor... Even at this late date, the awe of that hour rests upon my soul. My experience has truly been as Jesus said that He shall be within you 'a well of water, springing up into everlasting life.' That never-ceasing fountain has flowed through my spirit, soul, and body day, and night, bringing salvation, and healing, and the Baptism of the Spirit in the power of God to multitudes.

"Shortly after my Baptism in the Holy Spirit, a working of the Spirit commenced in me, that seemed to have for it's purpose the revelation of the nature of Jesus Christ to me and in me. Through this tuition and remolding of the Spirit a great tenderness for mankind was to awaken in my soul. I saw mankind through new eyes. They seemed to me as wandering sheep, having strayed far, in the midst of confusion, groping and wandering hither and thither. They had no definite aim and did not seem to understand what the difficulty was or how to return to God. The desire to proclaim the message of Christ, and demonstrate His power to save and bless, grew in my soul until my life was swayed by this overwhelming passion." (Pg 16-20).

"I found that my life began to manifest in the varied range of the gifts of the Spirit. I spoke in tongues by the power of God, and God flowed through me with a new force. Healings were of a more powerful order. Oh, God lived in me; God manifested in me; God spoke through me. My spirit was energized. I had a new comprehension of God's will, a new discernment of spirit, and a new revelation of God in me.

"Then a new wonder manifested. My nature became so sensitized, that I could lay hands on any man, or woman, and tell what organ was diseased, and to what extent, and all about it. I tested it. I went into hospitals where physicians could not diagnose a case, touched a patient, and instantly I knew the organ that was diseased, its extent, condition, and location. And one day it passed away. A child plays with a toy, and his joy is so wonderful, he sometimes forgets to eat."

Before obeying the call into full-time ministry, Lake felt the need to dispose of his very successful business interests. He sold everything, giving the money to God's work, and embarked on full-time ministry with a heart full of the fire of God. Soon afterward, when he was ministering in a city in Northern Illinois, God spoke to him clearly and distinctly: "Go to Indianapolis. Prepare for winter campaign. Get a large hall. In the Spring you will go to Africa."

John G. Lake continues: "One morning when I came down to breakfast, I found my appetite had disappeared. I could not eat. I went about my work as usual. At dinner I had no desire to eat, and no more in the evening. This went on till the third day. But toward the evening of the third day, an overwhelming desire to pray took possession of me. I wanted only to be alone to pray. Prayer flowed from my soul like a stream. I could not cease praying. As soon as it was possible to get to a place of seclusion, I would kneel to pour out my heart to God for hours. Whatever I was doing, that stream of prayer continued flowing from my soul ... On the night of the sixth day of this fast, that the Lord had laid on me, while in the act of washing my hands, the Spirit said, 'How long have you been praying to cast out demons?' and I replied, 'Lord a long time.' And the Spirit said, 'From henceforth, thou shalt cast out demons.' I arose and praised God." (Pg 21). An opportunity to test this newly-given anointing to cast out demons came the following Sunday, when a violently insane man was brought to Lake, who commanded the demon to come out of him in Jesus' name. The man was instantly delivered, and two days later was released from the institution that he had been confined in.

In April 1908, Lake and his family left for South Africa. Though they had no visible means of support, they were miraculously provided for every step of the way. And thus began a tremendous Revival, with mighty healings, miracles and deliverances, which was to profoundly impact the African continent for years to come, even long after Lake was gone. In 1913, following the tragic death of his wife, Lake returned to America, but by this time the torch had also been passed on to Elias Letwaba and others in Africa, and the work went on there, in great power. Lake continued his ministry in North America until his death in 1935, and like Smith Wigglesworth, he fought an outstanding fight and ran a great race, right to the very end.


Monday, December 15, 2008

We Need Mentors

Apostolic Mentoring Propelling the Emerging Generation
By Matt Sorger

The Church has entered a new era and with this transition a new generation is rising up within our ranks. These young emerging leaders in their 20’s and 30’s are carrying an apostolic vision that is compelling them beyond the four walls of our church buildings to lead a holy invasion into every aspect and strata of society with a relevant gospel message combined with the raw power of God.

At the same time our world is facing an increasing spiritual darkness making the Body of Christ in desperate need of mature, godly leaders who can lead this emerging generation through mine fields past generations have not had to face, including global terrorism, rising sexual perversion, and the secular agenda coming forth in our school systems as well as through the media.

This generation can make it ‘on their own’ or we can successfully transition into a new apostolic paradigm of exponential multiplication where this current generation’s ceiling becomes the floor of the next one to follow. But this level of expansion will require the involvement of spiritual leaders in the Body of Christ. God is calling true apostolic fathers and mothers to rise to the occasion to see these emerging young leaders equipped, nurtured and propelled forward into God’s purposes for their generation.

This level of leadership requires a revelation that we are called to build His Kingdom above everything else. Successful leadership is proven by what we multiply and leave behind us as a legacy. If we are truly multiplying ourselves as leaders then we are building something much bigger than our own domain; we are building the Kingdom of God inside of people that will last for eternity. Then a true multiplication can take place as the Kingdom of God is expanded through those we are personally impacting.

To successfully transition the Church into this new season of exponential multiplication three revelations are crucial for every spiritual leader to know and put into practice.
    1. The younger generation is relational in nature. Young emerging leaders desire to have relationship with the seasoned leaders God has raised up in the Body. They want the older generations’ blessing. They want to walk with, not away from them. As a representative of this younger generation of leaders I can say that we don’t expect perfection, we simply desire the love, support, and encouragement from our spiritual fathers and mothers. We want to learn from their successes as well as their mistakes. We honor and love our spiritual leaders and realize these things will require a great transparency, openness and level of vulnerability that may be new. But this trust can come through love and true relationships built between the generations. This emerging generation truly desires to build the Kingdom of God alongside the older generation. What sons and daughters are looking for are loving, godly, authentic spiritual parents who can help show them the way and encourage them to go for their dreams. (1 Cor 4:15-17)

    2. True apostolic fathers and mothers understand that authentic fruit bearing leadership does not flow from control, fear, insecurity or jealousy. These things stifle the growth of God’s Kingdom. God is raising up leaders who operate with the heart of David, not the tactics of Saul. Saul became jealous when he heard of David’s success and out of fear, insecurity and envy he sought to remove a possible threat to his kingdom. Seasoned leaders must not be threatened by the anointing or success of emerging leaders. We must all be secure in our calling in God and celebrate what God is doing in both generations. To see this next generation emerge in godliness, holiness and truth, leaders must be releasers, not constrictors. Love cheers on and wants sons and daughters to succeed. Love is not threatened by success but rejoices with it. The apostolic model of leadership that God is calling the Body of Christ to will see a great empowering of the Body to be released into the fullness of their gifts and callings. Insecurity, fear or jealousy in the heart of any leader is detrimental to the health and life of the Church. We must get beyond ourselves so we can effectively minister with the pure heart of God and see the Church truly become what God has intended her to be. (1 Sam.18:7-13)

    3. We must also move beyond simply ‘releasing’ this generation to go and ‘do their thing’. This is where God is bringing a strong paradigm shift in the hearts of many leaders. It’s not just about ‘releasing’, it’s about ‘sending’. There is a big difference. This shift could mark the beginning of a new level of multiplication and acceleration for the Kingdom. Leaders must be intentional in looking for those God’s hand is upon. We must not use emerging leaders simply to build our own ministry, although God may have them serve in a supportive role for a season. We must take the time to discover their heart and help them get to where God is ultimately calling them to be.

    For too long we have repeated the age old pattern of cutting off those God is calling us to raise up. Maybe out of a sense of rejection we receive their vision as a betrayal of our own. But it is time to change. God is raising up apostolic houses of worship with leaders that will know how to steward the gifts (people) God entrusts to them. A new mark of selfless, relational leadership is actually using the influence God has given you as a leader to propel people forward, not cut them off or hold them down. The true mark of leadership is when God allows you to use your platform to launch others into their Kingdom destiny. When this happens we are using our godly influence to expand the Kingdom of God and not just our own. What a privilege. But this level of leadership requires great selflessness. (Acts 13:1-3; 1Tim. 4:12; Tit. 1:4-5)

As we move into this next season of great multiplication God is calling apostolic fathers and mothers to walk in relationship with spiritual sons and daughters. This relational, selfless style of leadership will empower the Church to make quantum leaps forward in reaching the world with the Gospel and will see the Kingdom of God expand and fill the earth as Daniel prophesied in Dan. 2:35. It’s going to require all the generations working and serving together to see this Great Commission fulfilled. Let’s do it!



India - God's Secret Weapon



When considering God’s heart for India the major consideration for me is that He sent at least One of the Apostles there in the first century. To me that indicates Gods love and plan for this nation of over one billion people.

There is no doubt that Thomas spent the last 20 years of his life there from 52AD when he arrived on the Malabar coast,(modern day Kerala) to 72AD when he was martyred on the Mylapore coast (Modern day Chennai).

He was sent out by the Church of Antioch and much of the history of his time in India is recorded in Syrian Orthodox writings dating back to 132AD and possibly earlier.

There are Seven Church’s on the Malabar Coast that can trace their origins back to Thomas and one on the mylapore coast.


The south-western coast of India, was also known as Malabar, known for spices, timber and ivory. Sandalwood, rosewood and teak were exported to the Middle East. The port of Crangannore (modern day Kodungallur) on the Malabar coast was an excellent trading post for the West and Far East. Jewish trade was known in Malabar in Solomon's time. The rosewood from Malabar decorated King Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. The warm climate and peaceful living conditions attracted many Jewish families possibly from the time of the destruction of the first temple. When Jerusalem became oppressive under the Romans, Crangannore on the Malbar coast became a peaceful abode for sizeable numbers of Jewish settlers. From Crangannore, trade extended to Arabia, Palestine and Egypt and to China to the east.

So it was to the Jews in Crangannore that Thomas first went in obedience to the call of the Lord, “To the Jew first, then to the Gentiles”

Thomas ventured to reach the local Indian community. The caste system initially limited his contact mainly to the Brahmins, the upper-class Hindus. They were scholars in Sanskrit. But soon spread as the Glory fell.


When the Apostle Thomas entered India he came upon a group of Brahman priests in a lake throwing water in the air as an offering to their god. Thomas said to them “It appears to me that your god is not hearing you, or is not interested in your offering, because if he was a true god he would receive your offering, it would not come down again” Angry they said, “Well if your God is able to receive this same offering then we will believe your God is the true God. So Thomas entered the water and threw water in the air, the water remained in the air like a pillar and immediately the Brahmans believed and were baptised. These 18 families were the start of the Church in India.

Signs & wonders and manifestations of Glory were the power behind the remarkable growth of the Church in India. In 2006 the Lord took me in a vision back in time and let me see Thomas preaching the Gospel in India. There were signs in the sky which included flashing coloured lightning’s and unusual Angelic manifestations. Which drew a crowd, it wasn’t about the manifestations, they were just the bait, the message was simple and I wrote it down.

He said “I have been sent to you by the God of Israel to tell you that because of His great love you have been accepted by Him. Not only accepted but chosen. This great and only true God has himself come in the flesh and opened a way for all men to be received by Him. Therefore put away strange gods and accept Jesus as your own sacrifice for sin. For his life was given as a full sacrifice The only one acceptable to the God of Israel. He is to become your God and master. Therefore turn to Him with your whole heart and be baptised”

Because the Gospel was accompanied with signs & wonders there was an instant response. Seems very simple to me.

There is another episode which was originally told to the Portuguese when they arrived in Mylapore. A church which was built almost on todays Marina beach, it only had a sand floor which as a sign and wonder it was said the sand became Gold. This drew huge crowds. It was this, and the fact that the local Brahmans were loosing their grip that eventually led to Thomas being martyred nearby.

Christianity remained strong in the South of India for the next 500 years, the Church remained part of the Syrian Orthodox and the Knowledge of the miracles is well documented both in India and the Syrian Church, which of course had its base in Antioch. When the Portuguese arrived in about 1500, they found an active Church and when they tried to convert them to the Catholic tradition, their question was. Does your Church move in the same miracle power as Thomas taught us?

The Portuguese made little progress in spreading the Gospel until Francis Xavier arrived in 1542. He moved in power and not only preached a simple gospel, but demonstrated it. There were 14 sword eye witness accounts of people being raised from the dead in a ten year window and many other miracles.

Many other moves have been recorded in India including a major outpouring of the Holy Spirit about 1906, that was as amazing if not more so than the Welsh revival in the intensity and transforming nature of the revival. Another outpouring in the 1950’s saw a release of the healing revival that was occurring in the USA about the same time. There were major moves in the North East in Nagaland, Mizoram and other states nearby that saw almost 90% of the population turn from Animism to Jesus. There are stories of outpourings of glory so powerful in the north east that it didn’t get dark for several days because of the reflected glory of God. The Charismatic outpouring also hit India.

Now it seems India is being readied for another major, divine & sovereign move

A Revival has been going on in Shilong India since Sept 2006 it’s transforming and it’s a move of Glory. I want to go! and see and experience a surrendered group of believers and a city in revival.

Children going into Heaven and bringing words straight from the throne 24/7 worship and prayer, abandoned worship and dancing.

Schools can’t function because the Children are under the power of the Holy Spirit

Bars and temple are closing down. No man is mentioned in the move, but all are involved. It started in the Presbyterian Church but now most of the church is involved from Catholic right through to even the Pentecostals. Angels are being seen in and outside the meetings, and in the market place working with the believers. There are unusual signs & wonders that are divine & sovereign. Mass repentance and crying before the Lord, open public confession of sin involving restitution and Thousands turning to Jesus

Many reports and videos of the Shilong Revival are found here at this link!

In India they are just as religious as here if not more, but there is a childlike aspect to their faith that opens up when the Holy Spirit turns up, they seem to be more prepared to abandon themselves to God and look silly doing it. The last thing the revival in Shilong needs is a bunch of westerners going in to bring some structure and order to the move, because the westerners will want to own it and put a fence around it, or close it down. I’ve already seen a couple of "you tube" videos claiming their ministry is bringing a great move of God in Shilong.

As I write this I have an overwhelming smell of Honey around me. The Lord just wants me to say that India is God’s secret weapon to take Asia for Him.

I have an overwhelming sense that we haven’t seen anything yet. Ever since I first went to the entry point of the gospel at Kodungallur. I was overwhelmed by the Spirit of God. Rendered speechless! Unable to put into words the hunger for Gods presence. That I realised India was about to explode in Apostolic glory once again.

I am trying to get to India in April/May, I have ministry in Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh lined up. Because we minister in very poor areas we have to pay our own way so any support you can give us to fulfil our call to this nation would be appreciated. I need about $50 a day per team member for 21 days. If you want to come it will cost around $2000 for airfares from NZ give or take $400 and $50 per day. You might like to check out our webpage to see what we have been involved in to date in India. and if you want to help with the mission check out our Donate page.

Bless you


Dont be discouraged

If you are discouraged in your ministry you are not alone, Francis Xavier who saw many people raised from the dead, healed and set free on a daily basis was also very human. So be encouraged.

FROM the Forthcoming Book
MAN ON A MISSION ~ The supernatural life of Francis Xavier
From the Chapter entitled an Abandoned Heart
By Ian Johnson

A man abandoned in Love with Jesus
Francis took Jesus at his word, which was, if he should go away it would be better than ever for his people, for God would walk with them more than in all the ages past. His promise was;

“It is expedient for you that I go away, for if I do not go away the comforter will not come unto you; but if I go, I will send him to you.” John16:7

“He that believes in me the works that I do shall he do also”. John 14:12.

Jesus has gone to the Father in Heaven and the Holy Spirit has come to take his place; to carry on his uncompleted task, to work in the midst of His church in signs and wonders and gift of the Holy Spirit The trances, visions, revelations, Miracles and supernatural manifestations seen in the Life of Francis Xavier are meant to be the normal experiences of every believer in the supernaturally founded, supernaturally filled, and supernaturally directed church of Jesus Christ.`

The important thing to remember is that even in the midst of all these miracles, and wonders, Francis still suffered from the frailty of being human. To anyone who reads between the lines of the story of his life the fact of his humanness is evident. In his own day, and among some of his peers, he was by no means the great success we, looking back, can see him to have been. On the contrary, we are not without proofs, both internal and external, that to many at least of his contemporaries he was thought a failure. He had staunch friends who knew him well, and his capacity for friendship is manifest in every letter that he wrote, still there is, throughout his life, a certain isolation and loneliness which cannot be mistaken. At times he seems almost to cry out against it; when, for instance, he writes to all his brethren in Europe, saying he would gladly write to each one if he could; when in his moments of distress he addresses a single faithful follower in India; then he leaves all alone and hides himself away to seek the one Friend who, he knows, would never fail him. Jesus was his only true companion in the East and to him he clung relentlessly

In his letters we have evidence of his own deep conviction that he was himself of little worth. By nature highly strung and sanguine, he suffered from strong reactions; endowed with talents and gifts beyond the ordinary, he was weighed down with the littleness of men around him, blocking his way at every turn; a man of broad horizons and boundless ambitions, he seemed forever tempted to depression and despair, and to surrender every task he undertook. The real greatness of the man must surely lie in this, that he did what he did in spite of every discouragement, from without and from within. If Jesus gave him an instruction he carried it out with passion and zeal despite his circumstances.

This zeal and passion led him in an ecstasy of love for his Jesus. It seems at times his heart would burst with the joy of knowing him. As he filled his soul again and again in these times of set apartness, the stage was set for the next season of miracles, preaching to the lost and serving the poor and sick wherever he found himself.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Signs of the Apostle

The Signs of the Apostle
by Norman Parish

Copyright © 2001 Continental Missionary Crusade.
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Norman Parish is past General Director of Continental Missionary Crusade (CMC) based in Guatemala City, Guatemala. His father before him and his son, Dario, now General Director of CMC, have been responsible for planting hundreds of churches in North, Central and South America in the last century and continuing to this day. Brother Parish is in demand as a conference speaker and teacher worldwide on the subject of deliverance. Among his numerous service capacities, he serves as apostolic covering to New Wine Christian Fellowship of Pasadena, TX, the sponsor ing organization behind New Wine Online.

I believe in the restoration of the Church of the Lord Jesus in these end times, as part of the general restoration announced by the prophets of old (Acts 3:19-21; Joel 2:25). I am fully convinced, upon the basis of a diligent study of the Scriptures during more than 40 years, that the Church is going to be restored to its primeval glory before Jesus returns to earth. The Bible is categorical in affirming that the latter glory of the House of God is going to be greater than the former (Haggai 2:9).

During the 20th century, certain doctrines and experiences that had been virtually forgotten (such as the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, the gifts of the Spirit, healing, deliverance, etc.) were gradually restored to God 5 people. It is evident that during the last 15 to 20 years two ministries that are essential "for the perfecting of the saints for the edification of the Body of Christ" (Eph. 4:11,12)-the apostles and prophets -- have also been partially restored to the Church.

In certain Christian circles, especially those where “dispensationalism” has exerted a strong influence over the past hundred years, a theory was accepted and widely propagated as Bible truth that these two important ministries were withdrawn towards the end of the first century with the death of the last of the twelve apostles, called in Revelation 21:14 "the Apostles of the Lamb". According to the exponents of this theory, these ministries were no longer indispensable since the 27 books of the New Testament (that later would had been included in the Sacred Canon, the Holy Bible) had been completed.

When you revisit the New Testament with an unbiased mind, you soon discover that other men where recognized as apostles by the early Church, even though they did not belong to the original apostolic band chosen and ordained by Jesus Christ Himself according to Matthew 10:1-4, Mark 3:13-19 and Luke 6:12-16. Despite the fact that in this short article it would unfeasible to the try to probe by the Scriptures that other apostles existed during the first century of the Church, it suffices to point out that according to Acts 13:1- 4 not only Paul but Barnabas also was chosen and sent by the Holy Spirit to engage in missionary work. We would have to be hard-line conservatives to not admit that in Acts 14:14 both of these men (and not only Paul) were called apostles. Others -- for example: Silvanus (or Silas) and Timothy, by comparing 1st. Thessalonians 1:1 with 2:6--were also considered apostles in their day.

Particularly during the past two decades certain men have emerged in different nations of the world that doubtlessly have received and developed the apostolic ministry. In several countries of Latin America God has raised up scores of churches and ministries that have allowed the Holy Spirit to impart the gifts and offices that according to 1st.Corinthians 1:5-8 are essential in preparing the Church for the Second Coming of Christ.

Many people mistakenly believe that the word "apostle" is an honorary title, when in reality it is an office or function within the Body of Christ.

Being an apostle doesn't mean that the person is superior in any way to a prophet, pastor, teacher or evangelist since all ministries are equally esteemed before God's eyes. In order to impede that certain "false apostles" (2nd. Corinthians 11:13-15 and Revelation 2:2), might arise within the contemporary Church, it is necessary for us to know which are the signs that identify the true, In the same way, that you know the (true) prophets by the fruit they yield (Matthew 7:15-20), you can also know the (true) apostles by the signs they bear (2nd. Corinthians 12:12). The word "sign" can mean, among other things, "ensign, emblem, badge, standard, evidence, distinctive mark or point of reference." That means that according to the Bible there are certain guidelines that identify the true apostles, and therefore we urgently need to know them.

According to the Word of God it is evident that an apostle has many tasks and responsibilities to carry out, such as planting and overseeing churches and training and commissioning workers. One of his main challenges will be to offer adequate covering and care to the ministries that God has raised up and placed under his apostolic authority. An apostle has to have "Body Vision", which means that his main interest will be the general well-being of the Church of Jesus Christ and not only of his own church or apostolic network. In my consideration, these are the marks of a true apostle:

1. An apostle by biblical standards is a servant, someone who demonstrates in all his actions that he has the heart or spirit of a servant, willing and ready to serve God and humanity at all times (Luke 22:24-27).

Even Christ, the Apostle of our profession (Hebrews 3:1), said that He had come 'not to be ministered unto, but to minister" (Matthew 20:26-28). He gave us the supreme example of servanthood at the last Passover when He wrapped Himself in a towel and washed the feet of the apostles that He had chosen (John 13:4-17), offering them an example that they ought to follow.

It is evident that today there are "apostles" that delight to be treated with great respect. Some of them have surrounded themselves with unconditional followers that treat them as if they were "little Popes." Some have even allowed their assistants to "deify" them, which in the long run will certainly destroy them, since God will not share His glory with no human being (Isaiah 42:8; 48:11).

2. A genuine apostle is patient in suffering ("...the signs of the apostle were wrought among you in all patience," 2nd Corinthians 12:12).

Patience is developed in the midst of persecution and tribulation (Romans 5:3-4; 2nd Corinthians 6:4-5,8-9; James 1:3). The ministry of the apostle has always been ruthlessly attacked by Satan and his followers, both human and demoniac. It is not surprising then that an apostle must face and endure sufferings that are not commonplace in the life of other believers and ministers.

When you read about the suffering of the apostle Paul in 1st. Corinthians 4:12-13 and 2nd Corinthians 12:23-28 you cannot help but arrive at the conviction that a person that takes upon himself this ministry without having received it directly from God must be out of his mind. In the life of a true apostle there will be trials, difficulties, conflicts, etc., that he will not be able to avoid no matter how hard he tries. He will have to learn to bear them with patience and faith (2nd Thessalonians 1:4; Hebrews 6:12; James 5:10- 11; Revelation 13;7,10) while God intervenes in his behalf. The price of the apostleship is the cross (Matthew 10:38; 16:24) and the cross represents contempt, suffering and death.

3. The Scriptures demand, above everything else, that the apostle have a supernatural ministry ("...the signs of an apostle were wrought among you... …in signs, and wonders, and mighty deeds", 2nd Corinthians 12:12).

Jesus Christ Himself declared in the Great Commission -- which ought to be called the Apostolic Commission, since according to Matthew 28:16-20; Mark 16:14-20; Luke 24:33,45-49 and Acts 1:2-8 it was given primarily to the "eleven" apostles that remained at His side after Judas' defection, betrayal and death -- that the preaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom would be confirmed by such signs.

In Acts 5:12 it says that "by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people." Also in Acts 14:3 it declares that "the Lord...gave testimony unto the word of his grace, and granted signs and wonders to be done by (Paul's and Barnabas') hands."

Additionally, in Hebrews 2 4 it states that God testified with and through the apostles "...with signs and wonders, and with diverse miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to his own will.''

The apostle Paul, who has been considered the model of the apostolic ministry, affirms in Romans 15:18-19 that he only dared to speak about the things that Christ had wrought through him "to make the Gentiles obedient by word and deed, through mighty signs and wonders by the power of the Spirit of God..." What other proofs do we need that in the life of every apostle there must be signs (such as miracles, healings, deliverance, etc.) that validate the legitimacy of his ministry?

God's miraculous intervention through these signs is evidence that the Kingdom of God is being manifested in a certain place (Luke 10:9; 11:20). The signs have been intimately related to the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in all ages of history (Daniel 4.2-3) and how much more in these end times. The colossal task of the apostle is to proclaim, demonstrate and establish the Kingdom of God in the areas of the world that have been assigned to him by the Lord of the Harvest. The primary purpose of his apostleship, according Romans 1:5 and 16:26, is to lead the nations into "the obedience of the faith", and that will never be possible unless the Holy Spirit works in a supernatural way through those that have been invested and entrusted with this ministry.

The apostolic ministry is never circumscribed to one region or locality, but it must be projected to the whole world. There are no apostles of one single church or denomination. God raises up apostles that they might minister to the Body of Christ at large. When the apostle pastors a church he must surround himself with trustworthy people that he can leave in charge of that church when he, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, must leave to minister in other nations.

Those of us who belong to the Body of Christ around the world must rejoice that God, in fulfillment of His Word, is raising up in our times men that are willing to undertake this ministry, without which it will be impossible for the Church to arrive at "the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ" (Ephesians 4:13). Let us pray for the apostles that are emerging in our midst, that they might understand the magnitude and the seriousness of the task committed unto them by God, and that they might never "exploit" or use this noble ministry in their search for wealth or fame.

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Friday, December 12, 2008

Recovering the Gospel


Recovering The Gospel - part 1

I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth ... Romans 1:16

The Need For True Power With God

Today the church is seeking the power of God as never before. Some ministries demonstrate the power of God, but there is a general lack of consistent Kingdom living in the Body Of Christ. We have much religion, tradition and hype, but the answer to walking in the power of God been with us all along - The preaching of the good news the cross! The Greek word "preaching" is logos, which is speaking, not pulpit oratory! Anyone can do it!

Power Comes From Telling The Good News

17 For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect. 18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. I Corinthians 1:17,18

What Paul says is very informative and worth looking up in Greek. He says he was sent to preach the gospel -meaning simply "telling the good news", something any Christian can do. Then he says if we speak with wisdom it neutralizes the power of the cross! But if we speak the good news of the cross, it is the power of God. (dunamis - miracle working power). It's that simple. No accomplished speakers involved. Paul confirms this in another scripture.

And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. 2 For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified. 3 And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. 4 And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power: 5 That your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
1 Corinthians 2:1-5

The Churches Greatest Need

The greatest need of the church today is to recover the good news of Christ - and get away from presenting wisdom. There are two obstacles to this.

1. It seems we only preach a small part of gospel, (forgiveness) then we try to recover the power of God through using Christian wisdom, and experiences of the anointing!

2. We have a Christian teaching "industry" and are buried under conferences. We run to experience God's power at the meetings, then wonder where it is at home.

But the power of God is at hand and is built into the good news! We have been creators of our own lack by focusing on wisdom and methods rather than the good news of the cross! We need to recover the gospel. So what is the good news ?

Recovering The Good News

The very best way to understand the good news is to see it in the life of Jesus. When we see Him we see the Father. Everything He did is a perfect reflection of the Father. He are the first of many aspects of recovering the good news.

1. God's Total Love For The World

For God so loved the world,....John 3:16

The word "world" is Cosmos -everything God made. Gods love for the world is total, it is not conditional, not partial. Most people have a forensic view of God, as a judge evaluating everything. They believe they are not loved until they qualify. Jesus was not like that at all. For example, He healed all and never said to anyone "you are not worthy." He loved them all, especially sinners! His view of God was as a Father loving and reconciling. This rubs against the religious grain, but it is the good news that needs to be preached!

But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us, Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, Ephesian 2:4,5

He Sends Rain on The Just and The Unjust

Often we preach that God's loving kindness is conditional on faith, as if God is holding back blessings until people believe. But this is not what the Father is like. His love is total. Listen to Jesus description of the Fathers love and how we can be like Him.

But I say unto you,
-Love your enemies,
-bless them that curse you,
-do good to them that hate you, and
-pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for
-he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and
-sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

Matthew 5:44,45

I used to think God sending rain on the unjust meant judgment. Then one day I realized rain was a blessing to an agricultural society! He blesses the just and the unjust with both sun and rain! Even though He does intervene to limit evil in His world, He truly loves the world. This is good news that carries God's power.

A Revelation of God's Love

I encountered this degree of God's love when I first went to India. A temple was being dedicated near us and every day the worship and prayers were broadcast on loud speakers. (very loud) On the second day I asked my host to translate as they prayed to their ugly green idol. They were saying "Oh you are our god and we love you. We prayed to you and our crops did not fail and the cattle gave birth to healthy calves."

Suddenly I was aware of God's jealousy. The Lord said to me "Oh...I want them to worship me like that." From that point on I was filled with His love for India. I knew there was nothing, no man, idol or demon, that could stand in the way of His love. He was not angry, He loved them! I preached this good news of the God who loves them NOW and paid for their sin at the cross. The power of God came easily, and resulted in miracles and salvation.

2. God Has Reconciled The World To Himself

God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation.
2Corinthians 5:19

This is an amazing scripture. Reconciliation is an accounting term for balancing the books. As far a God is concerned He is NOW reconciled to the world in Christ, he does not have a problem with man and sin. The gospel I often preached said God is the judge holding a writ of condemnation against us until we believe.... our sin being a barrier to Him until we accept His offer of forgiveness. But this is not the case! Sin is barrier to us, but He has reconciled the world to Himself already. The writ against us has been destroyed. Si

Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; Colossians 2:14

There are no longer any barriers as far as God is concerned. He is totally available, totally loving the world as Christ demonstrated! The debt is paid, the books are balanced. Gods relationship to the world is totally reconciled! But men still serve sin and Satan. So what is needed? Men need to reconcile themselves to God in response to what He has done!

Paul says he is an ambassador of Christ with a ministry of reconciliation, calling men to be reconciled to God. In other words, God has reconciled Himself to men . Now men need to open their heart to God and receive His reconciliation.

...we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.
2 Corinthians 5:20

Such good news brings Gods power on the scene. We died with Christ, our sins were nailed to the cross, the reconciliation of God IS finished! He wants us to reconciled to Him.

3. Total Favor As His Children

When someone believes in Christ they become a child of God. There is a difference between being a child of the world and a child of God. Even though both are totally loved, His children have total favor! "The children are free!"

Seeking God's Favor

Years ago a friend was experiencing remarkable provision from God. Doors opened, money came, and today all sorts of wonderful things still happen to him. When I asked why he was blessed, he said it was God's favor. So I set out to find the favor of God in my own life. I tried to discover what would delight God Him and to change my life in various ways. It didn't work.

I eventually found the truth. I already had total favor with God because of Christ! My friend just lived in the love of God all the time and lives in this favor. I can too. I had been into religious works trying to earn God's favor. This is good news that brings the power of Gods favor!

In Ephesians Paul tells our remarkable blessing.
  • ...who has -blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,..
  • ...He destined us for adoption as his children through Jesus Christ,
  • ...according to the good pleasure of his will,
  • ...his glorious grace that he freely bestowed on us
  • ...according to the riches of his grace that he lavished on us.
    Read Ephesians 1:1-8

He Delights In His Children

“The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness.” Zephaniah 3:17

God's children are His delight no matter how mature! As parents we are like God. Imagine the Father in heaven delighting over the new born, diaper and all, or watching the teetering toddler, the noisy 10 year old, the risky teenager or the stable adult. Ephesians 5:1 says we are "beloved children."

Why Preaching The Prodigal Son brings God's Power

I discovered preaching the story of the prodigal son usually brings the power of God in the meeting. Why? It is preaching the good news that we enter into a favored child relationship with God! That God loves when we are lost. That He forgives when we sin. That He bestows favor when we expect to perform. The good news that brings power includes total favor to His children.

In our healing meetings I find a remarkable thing, the more I talk about how Jesus didn't make distinctions in healing or measure up people, but healed them all. The more healings we see. The more I talk about God's love for people and how it is not about "qualifying" but accepting His love, the more miracles happen. Why is this? It is the good news bringing the power of God for salvation in bodies.

Recovering The Gospel - part 2

Terry Somerville

4. Total Access To The Father - No Human Mediator

For through him we both have access by one Spirit unto the Father.
Ephesian 2:18

Until the coming of Jesus, no one dared to approach the living God except through a holy man, (a priest) interceding on our behalf. Around the world men still believe God is inaccessible, even in the church! But Jesus came as our great high priest opening direct access to the Father for all believers!

And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the Lord: for they shall all know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the Lord: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
Jeremiah 31:34


The early church walked in this open relationship to the Father. By 400 AD another priestly system moved in. Christian elders, became priests, bishops, and dispensers of grace to "ordinary believers". Finally Martin Luther led the shift back to grace by faith alone, but the church kept the hierarchical system of "clergy and laity". That sends the "mediator needed" message to the world in spite of our good intentions. Even today modern teaching of "covering and Apostolic order, convey the idea that a mediator is involved.

In Europe I encounter many Christians living under condemnation. Legalism produces the idea that they are not worthy of receiving anything from God. They believed they needed my intervention. As I taught them Gods love and open access to the Father grace began to flow.

THE NEED GOOD NEWS of total access to God through Jesus Christ needs to be preached!

5. The Promise of The Spirit

The gift of the Holy Spirit to every believer is a huge part of the good news! It needs to be preached! The coming of the Holy Spirit into every believer was called "the promise of the Father" and brings many blessings.

Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 2:38

I could take several newsletters to cover this subject. But here is a summary of the good news of the coming of the Spirit...

-We are the temple of God (no longer buildings)
-The Spirit leads us into truth - He opens our understanding
-The Spirit leads us in righteous living
-The Holy Spirit brings communion with the Father
-The Holy Spirit brings gifts and the power of God into our lives
-The Holy Spirit seals us for the day of redemption
-The Holy Spirit is the "Spirit of Adoption" and son ship.
- The Holy Spirit totally qualifies us. "Not by might or power"

6. Satan and All Demons are Totally Defeated

When I preach in India this is one greatest parts of the gospel! Hindus, and even the pastors who were converts from Hinduism, live in fear of the evil spirits and gods. I tell them Jesus defeated Satan and we have authority over all devils in Him. They are amazed and overjoyed! See the video of the Demon of Kali being cast out.

And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.
Colossians 2:15

Yes, Satan is still at work and tries to bring us down through deception, sin and the flesh. But the "Spirit filled church" of today has a lot of the fear of the devil and misses grace! Many in the church try to combat demons with legalism and self righteousness. They look for the "hidden sin" that gives the devil 'rights". They try to find the "key" for victory, saying or doing the right thing! This is works not grace.

WAKE UP CHURCH! Christians need to believe the good news! Jesus is our victory. If you depend on your ability the devil WILL defeat you. The weapons of our warfare are might in the Holy Ghost - that means grace that has been accomplished at the cross. It's amazing! When you just believe the good news of victory and rest in it, the devil loses his grip! Peter said "...resist Him firm in your faith" (1 Peter 5:9)

Smith Wigglesworth tells the story of being awakened from sound sleep by a terrible presence of evil in his room. The turned over and saw Satan himself, standing in front of his bed. Smith said "Oh, it's only you", rolled over and went back to sleep. He just believed the good news!

7. The Kingdom Is Here

And as ye go, preach, saying, The kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Matthew 10:7

The church was told by Jesus to preach the good news that the Kingdom is here! (at hand means "right here" ) His rule, and reign are here right now, but do we believe it? The Lord shows it by signs and wonders in delivering men from sin and the world and the devil. We need to understand the good news that the Kingdom IS HERE. What does it mean?


The word Kingdom means "the rule or reign of a sovereign"

The earth is and always was the Lords.

We come into Gods world with nothing and leaven with nothing.
1Tim 6:7

We play a momentary part of what belongs to God. Though he gave man stewardship, God has always acted in history and overrules in the affairs of man.

Jesus is Lord NOW!

For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. I Corinthians 15:25

Yes, men still serve sin and Satan but Jesus IS Lord of all the earth. He is reigning even in financial crisis, greed and wickedness. One day He will bring ALL his enemies under His feet, but till then we represent Him.

Jesus Opened The Way for all mankind to be restored to God's purposes on the earth. He commands all men to believe the gospel and repent. The church is the family of God that participates in His Kingdom on earth. This brings order and life.

Jesus the King Will Personally Return and Rule

Then cometh the end, when he shall have delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; when he shall have put down all rule and all authority and power.

I Corinthians 15:24

One day Jesus will physically reign on the this earth along with His church. The church will no longer walk as Ambassadors, but as co-regents.

Terry Somerville
Total Change Ministries

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I am God's child (John 1:12 )
I am Christ's friend (John 15:15 )
I am united with the Lord (1 Cor. 6:17 )
I am bought with a price (1 Cor 6:19 -20)
I am a saint (set apart for God). (Eph. 1:1)
I am a personal witness of Christ. (Acts 1:8)
I am the salt & light of the earth (Matt 5:13 -14)
I am a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27 )
I am free forever from condemnation ( Rom. 8: 1-2)
I am a citizen of Heaven. I am significant (Phil 3:20 )
I am free from any charge against me (Rom. 8:31 -34)
I am a minister of reconciliation for God (2 Cor 5:17 -21)
I have access to God through the Holy Spirit (Eph. 2:18 )
I am seated with Christ in the heavenly realms (Eph. 2:6)
I cannot be separated from the love of God (Rom 8:35 -39)
I am established, anointed, sealed by God (2 Cor 1:21 -22 )
I am assured all things work together for good (Rom. 8:28 )
I have been chosen and appointed to bear fruit (John 15:16 )
I may approach God with freedom and confidence (Eph. 3: 12 )
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Phil. 4:13 )
I am the branch of the true vine, a channel of His life (John 15: 1-5)
I am God's temple (1 Cor. 3: 16 ). I am complete in Christ (Col. 2: 10)
I am hidden with Christ in God (Col. 3:3). I have been justified (Romans 5:1)
I am God's co-worker (1 Cor. 3:9; 2 Cor 6:1). I am God's workmanship (Eph. 2:10 )
I am confident that the good works God has begun in me will be perfected.(Phil. 1: 5)
I have been redeemed and forgiven ( Col 1:14). I have been adopted as God's child (Eph. 1:5)